17 gen 2013

Plato's cave.

Tired eyes, breathless mouth,
look at what you created;

it's cold outside - you're cold inside
when every drawback becomes hatred

filling the holes in your heart,
and the thorns of your past
have become so big that every rose has died;
there's no light there, where you hide

so come outside, where you can't see
- come outside, where you are forced to live;
where all your rage has no direction,
hatred turns into misconception;

so come outside, where nothing has a meaning
out of your Plato's cave,
where experience is stronger than a thought
you gave birth to,
wearing the mask of the brave.


13 gen 2013

Your little spoon.

The way we met, not the happiest one
drowning in my tears like every time,
so magnetic they should have been

clear like water, heavy as stone;
when I told myself I was just mine,
we found ourselves and smiled at the spleen.

Oh-oh, I feel so old right now
thinking of you
thinking of you
after all this time.

Do you still dip that little steel spoon
in your big cup full of milk
like you used to do?, you know

this must have been the way that I
have always kept your soft silk
falsely forgotten, somehow raw.

Oh-oh I feel so dizzy now
thinking of you
thinking of me
committing the crime.

But do not misunderstand, I
really liked you,
do not misunderstand I
really wanted you,
do not misunderstand I
would like to talk to you

do not misunderstand I
was breaking down,
do not misunderstand I
was getting low,
if you could understand I'd
close that door
- for I never really did.
And maybe you understood and
you closed first.

Under my skin.

Straight ahead until my heart collapse;
 I relapse,
words unspoken just get thick inside,

heavy they bear the weight of loss,
they build my cross.
Silence screams when I hide behind

my mask, my bones, my stones
- She hates me,
my release, my win - my ruin
- She eats me;
it's easier to fall than to climb,

- my ruin, my win;
everything gets harder with every time,
- the mess outside,
 and only void under my skin.

VedenKH - Oct. 2011


Le mani della Terra
inanzi a te si dischiudono;

e tu,
invisibile e necessario,
sei la fine
e modesto principio

di un futuro già desto.
Se cogli il coraggio
e la lungimiranza,
scorgi il miraggio,
- serba l’essenza.

Amo te
quando ami la Vita.

  1. VedenKH - May 2010

I am.

I like to fall into this silence;
echoes of breaths
back to me
with every wave against the stones.

Such a perfect moment
endless - like this silver sea
which opens its gates
beyond my sight.

Who am I to think
to own the World

I am the wind
making leaves shiver
and I am a cloud
changing its shape

and all that I feel
and all that I can see

one of a billion drops
searching for home
- among thousand homes;

one true reality
among infinite possibilities.

An echoe is teaching me
sighing - whithout an object:
there is no what - or where.

I am.

VedenKH - Oct. 2009

12 gen 2013


Hands in my pokets,
my careless steps on dry leaves;
just for one day
I'd take two paces to the rear.

I wish you were near
to tell you a tale I have dreamt
of two people lost
searching for each other - to find themselves.

The dust on our shelves,
the scent of old times,

imploring us to turn back,
imploding into the rhymes;

but still - you're in my mind
with nothing left to say
and deaf to this dust,

that - just for one day
I wish you could
blow away.

VedenKH - July 2009

11 gen 2013

Benvenuti. (Il titolo di questo post è deliziosamente... banale).

Introduco brevemente questo nuovo blog che ho deciso di aprire, per separare le poesie e gli scritti un po' più "impegnativi" da quelli che riprendono la quotidianità, e in generale, la vita più esteriore.
Non che io separi nettamente ciò che sta fuopri da ciò che sta dentro: è ovvio che le due cose si corrispondano in una certa misura.
Ma il linguaggio delle emozioni e del mondo che ho dentro molte volte non coincide con quello che uso per esprimere aneddoti, pensieri e sensazioni riguardo ad essi. Le emozioni, fanno parte di un mondo a sé, che non ha sentimento, che è il primordio di tutto l'agire e il pensare stesso. Nascono, punto. Ci sono, e non possiamo farci nulla.

Questo blog è il blog di quello che c'è, e non può non esserci.
Di quello che sento, e non posso non sentire.
E visto questo, ogni aspetto di bene/male, giusto/ingiusto, va ad annullarsi, perché come spesso ripeto, si può scegliere come agire, ma non come Sentire. E' specifico del Canale che siamo.

Inizierò con il postare scritti risalenti anche agli "anni che furono", nel caso riesca scrivo la data. Quelli privi di data in fondo, hanno l'identica data del post.

Vi faccio entrare. Buon caffé, e buona lettura.
